Intentionally Designing Inclusive Educational Spaces:
Navigating Intersectionality, Ableism, Allyship, and Belonging
By providing tangible examples that educators and administrators can replicate in their own schools and districts, this gathering will highlight practices that impact students with the greatest needs. We recommend that teams attend together as this engaging learning is intended for PK-12 educators, teachers, and administrators. Time will be allotted for planning and collaboration.
The Fresno County Superintendent of Schools is excited to have you join us on November 20, 2024. Our session will provide educators with the tools, strategies, and mindsets needed to create socially just inclusive learning environments wherein all students experience a sense ofrightful presence and belonging. Attendees will explore the impact of ableism in educational settings, learn how to be effective allies to students with disabilities, and discover practical methods for fostering a student-centered culture across all educational settings.
The day will include valuable insights and strategies for participants to enhance their educational practices and better support their diverse student populations.
Keynote Speaker
Kevin Schaefer

Kevin is currently the Director of Inclusive Practices/Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) project through the El Dorado COE. In this role, Kevin works to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities through the provision of high-quality leadership and support to the CDE and LEAs throughout the state. Additionally, he provides organizational support by promoting continuous improvement processes and alignment of initiatives that focus on creating environments of belonging that honor the diversity of learners. His varied background as
a special education teacher, administrator, and national/state technical assistance provider has led to expertise in the areas of systems change.
Event Information
November 20, 2024
8:00AM - 3:30PM
Intended Audience:
Site/District Teams, PK-12 Educators, Principles, Superintendents, and District Office Staff
This event generously sponsored by the

Please contact Ezequiel "Zeke" Gutierrez about the conference at ezequiel.gutierrez@fcoe.org
OR LuAnn McCaslin about registration at lrmccaslin@fcoe.org